Cabaret for a Cause

Emily’s cabarets have raised over $100,000 for a variety of causes:

Postpartum Support Network of Toronto

Mom’s Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

VOCA Chorus of Toronto

Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research

Haddonfield Memorial High School (New Jersey): Light & Sound Equipment

Coach House Co-op (Toronto): Sponsorship of Syrian Family

Renewal House Shelter (Boston, MA): domestic violence services

Transylvania Connection (Romania)

Izotalillo Village (El Salvador): emergency medical supplies

Artist Statement:

My one woman shows have tackled tough issues ranging from postpartum depression to immigration, but also lighter themes like movie musicals and costuming history. Weaving singing, spoken narrative and movement I present a passionate, intimate and inspiring theatrical experience that not only entertains but raises funds for a wide variety of causes and organizations.